Dental treatment under anesthesia

General narcosis helps adults and children to transfer all dental treatment in one visit without pain and fear

General narcosis helps adults and children to transfer all dental treatment in one visit without pain and fear

Dental treatment is not possible without anesthesia if

there is an allergy on drugs

children and adults have insurmountable fear of dental treatment

distinct vomiting reflex is in evidence

there are severe comorbidities, diseases of the nervous system or mental disorders (Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, and others)

children have multiple caries, or several teeth should be removed (when several complex manipulations should be performed simultaneously)

complex and large-scale surgical interventions are needed

How we perform anesthesia

Carrying out treatment under general anesthesia (narcosis) is a complicated procedure. At the consultation with a dentist and anesthesiologist, patients receive all the necessary information. The dental treatment plan and the preliminary cost are agreed. An anesthesiologist queries the patient, analyzes the accompanying medical records, conducts a conversation with the patient (with the child’s parents) about the state of health. If necessary, appoint an additional examination. Based on this, doctors decide on the treatment of children and adults under general anesthesia.

Teams of experienced doctors and state-of-the-art technical support allow us to monitor the condition of the body closely. Combinations of particular drugs provide control of anesthesia, help to fall asleep and wake up quickly after treatment. All dental treatment can be carried out in one visit. Under anesthesIa, the patient is under the dentist, anesthesiologist and two assistant’s constant care.  If necessary, a surgeon, periodontist, and radiologist are involved. 

Dental treatment under general anesthesia is a high-tech and expensive method of treatment. It is possible only with an exclusive license. Protezist employs teams of highly specialized experienced doctors, uses special modern equipment and certified drugs from reputable manufacturers. We have been providing dental treatment to adults and children under general anesthesia since 2013.

Mon-Fri 8:00–19:00
Sat 9:00–15:00
Sun day off